Suryva Dev Iconography Cave o...


Suryva Dev Iconography

इन्द्र सोमं पिब ऋतुना त्वा विशन्त्विन्दवः ।

मत्सरासस्तदोकसः ॥

ऋग्वेद १. १५. १

The first ever mention of Surya comes from the Rigveda texts Rucha 1.15.1 which says: This solar year, Uttarayan, Dakshinayana, spring etc. Twelve months, Chaitra etc., Shukla and Krishna Paksha, day and night, Muhurta which is the combination of thirty phases, “Kashtha” which is the combination of eighteen “nimesh” and a nimesh. etc. distributes as the division of the time. As Manu has said, and draws with him the juices of all medicines and waters from all places, He is situated in space with the rays, and moves with the wind.


Surya is usually with two arms with lotus flowers. He is riding a chariot pulled by seven horses which indicate seven visible colours and the charioteer is Aruna. Another interesting feature is he often wears shoes.