Kubera Lord of North (Dikpala), the custodian of wealth of Gods and the protector of people (Lokpala).   He is belived to be hal...


Kubera Lord of North (Dikpala), the custodian of wealth of Gods and the protector of people (Lokpala).  

He is belived to be half brother of Ravana who threw him out from Sri Lanka and abducted the wealth of Gods. Kubera then moved to Alaka. 

The vedic texts described Kubera as lord of Evil spirits which changed with time later in Puranas and other epics. 

In sculptures, Kubera is generally depicted as one with big belly and with a bag of Mongoose. Often he has some deformity as three legs or broken teeth. The consort of Kubera is Bhadra or Kauberi. 

Kubera is also popular in Jain and Buddhist Mythology  as well. 

One can often find Kubera as part of ceiling panels where Ashtadikpalas are depicted.